On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 09:43:24PM -0400, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 02:09:18PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> > Respectively: the freedom to prosecute with and defend yourself 
> > against patent accusations; the freedom to bear arms; and the freedom 
> > to use nuclear technology. Of course, not all jurisdictions allow 
> > those freedoms, but that's determined by laws, not by copyright 
> > licences.
> And again, I don't believe "the freedom to prosecute with patent
> accusations" is an important "freedom" to protect, any more than
> "freedom to take my software proprietary".  I think it's valid and
> legitimate for a free license to restrict this "freedom".

Same old bogus comparison; you never *had* the freedom to take the
software proprietary, so you can't protect it. You *did* have the
freedom to prosecute with patent accusations.

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