Vassilis Grigoriadis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am putting the Resolution so you can read it. I'm sorry to say so,
> but if Debian does not comply to the resolution of the foreign
> ministers of the EU than i will be in the unpleasent position to bring
> the subject to the EU court. 


> Taking into account Resolution (95) 23 adopted by the Committee of
> Ministers on 19 October 1995 at the 547th meeting of Ministers'
> Deputies, the Secretarial is hereby instructed to use the following
> references provisionally for all purposes within the Council of Europe
> pending settlement of the difference which has arisen over the name of
> the State in question. They are to be used in all documents prepared
> by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe.

Debian is not a document prepared by the Secretariat of the Council of
Europe. As a result, it is not bound by this resolution. Taking the
subject to the EU court would not result in Debian being obliged to
change the name used.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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