   The current Sarge has neither the stable version of apt-proxy nor the
development version 1.9.18 currently only in Sid. Is there a reason why
neither version is included in the current Sarge-testing? I feel that it
would be a mistake to omit both versions from Sarge when it is released.
   I am running apt-proxy 1.3.0 stable on a Woody box to serve all my local
boxes with updates, and another box running Sarge which is building CD ISO's
using jigdo. Both are old Pentium boxes fitted with large hard drives,
neither is overworked, and they can be left to get on with the job together.
   Apt-proxy appears to be the only system able to collect software from a
list of selected parent mirrors and then build a local partial mirror, and I
have arranged my selection so that those supplied by my ISP and local
academic sources are checked first rather than load the Debian servers. My
apt-proxy cache does not require local boxes to specify a series of parent
mirrors, just the software details.

Chris Bell

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