I've started a few time ago (as many of you could know) the Debian
Hardened project , as an approach to Debian's mainline security.

Currently, the project is in a mature state of development with many
things already done and also a lot of testing of the work.

I've ported to Debian Sarge's GCC (3.3.4-6) the PIE stuff (got from LFS
archives) and also updated the SSP to the latest version.
These GCC packages can be found at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/debianhardened until i get an available
machine for host an apt repository (at the moment, the installation of
the packages by downloading each-one from SF.net is an ass-pain).

Talking about the GLIBC...i've ported the Hardened Gentoo's SSP
implementation, made by pappy (Alexander Gabbert) and i've also worked
out on libssp (i need some help on testing this) for make the stuff
independant of GCC (my gcc packages are patched with SSP, so, every
compiled binary will have the __guard symbols, getting more big
binaries), also Peter Busser from Adamantix has done a great job on
this, but the code it's not yet available.

I have hardened also the binutils, and some of ./net packages:
- rinetd (some work for make it able to be chroot'ed as unprivileged
- openssh (i'm working on the patches that bring SecurID Token use
features, and others from independent hackers)
- wu-ftpd , just added the stuff from WU-FTPD guys.

About the kernels...the work is in production state, i've currently
tested them on some machines , 2 of them are shared environments
(software-libre.org & ourproject.org) with user chroots, etc.
I've also did the DHKP, but i'm going to remix it and use instead of the
current patches (OW and others) the PaX + RSBAC + SELinux mix.
No reasons to leave grsecurity, just improving *different* solutions, in
my opinion with wide support and testing.

All of this has been done for Sarge (except the kernels... i need a
decent machine to re-compile them, is anybody interested in giving me
access to a machine, maybe inside a compile farm?)

I've done a wiki with some information on the project development
organization, i need contributors, developers, anybody which is
interested in contributing the Debian project.


JFS, tell me if you are interested in it...you're spanish and that
should make easier the communication, and , due to your high valuable
work on Debian , i can mind about making you the co-manager of the
project and also i'm interested in working together with the Security
Response team.

I will send these "status" messages for maintain informed the people of
debian-security on my efforts in Debian Hardened, if there's anything to
ask me, please give me a line at my email address or sent any inquiry to

Lorenzo Hernandez Garcia-Hierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian Hardened project leader - http://www.debian-hardened.org

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