On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 05:14:35PM +0100, Noèl Köthe wrote:
> after long time I started working on http://www.debian.org/consultants/
> to get it into a usefull page again. Right now there a alot of entries
> outdated and there is no sorting in the countries.

Thank you.

> The first step I want to discuss with you is that right now there is no
> real policy about who will be added to this page. In my opinion these
> minimal policy should be enough:
> 1. working URL entry
> (if it timeouts its OK but if the URL doesn't resolve or the domain
> isn't connected anymore the entry will be removed)
> 2. reachable E-Mail entry
> (e-mail doesn't bounce and there will be an answer in the following 4
> weeks)
> 3. on the webpage should be mentioned that the person/company is doing
> Debian work

Would you please also require that the URL and e-mail address not be
official .debian.org addresses (per the DMUP)?


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