On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 05:08:41PM +0000, Martin Michlmayr - Debian Project 
Leader wrote:
> I received the following message from someone at Google:
> > Google is interested in advertising on debian.org.  I realize your
> > site currently isn't running any advertising, however what we're
> > proposing is much different, and complimentary to your sites goal.
> Normally, I reply to advertising requests on debian.org with a polite
> "no".  However, given that google ads are widely considered different
> to normal ads, and might even enhance a web site, I thought I'd ask on
> -project to see what other people think.

I can't imagine what we'd use the money for, and it'd just be more
bandwidth consumption for stupid users (personally, I blocked google
ads a long time ago). Where would be the point?

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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