Jacobo Tarrio:

For Debian, software is everything that is stored or transmitted in digital form.

I just checked my dictionaries and checked "define:software" on Google, and most sources define software along the lines of "computing programs designed to perform various applications, e.g. word processing"[1]. That is, only the pieces of information that is used to make the computer run is included in the definitions.

Only a few definitions define software as "everything non-hardware", which would include the data and documentation.

Why is it so clear that in Debian, we chose to subscribe to the second definition? Apparently from these discussions that pop up every now and then there are several people that agree more with the first one (that would include me).

Debian aims to distribute only free software, as in "only stuff which is stored or transmitted in digital form, and which is considered free by us".

We only talk about software in our social contract. There's no official statement that I know of that defines software to be that.

Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/

 [1] Quote from The Cassell Concise Dictionary, 1997

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