Florian Weimer dijo [Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 10:16:11PM +0100]:
> > So... If I hand over a Debian CD to someone, will I be breaching the
> > law as I am giving him only the binaries, even if they have a very
> > easy way of getting the sources?
> It's generally believed that it's sufficient to offer a source code CD
> at the same time you give away the CD with binaries, as long as you
> are prepared to fulfill this offer.

So is it generally believed that live CDs (which have become _way_ too
popular not to be taken into account) do not count as distribution? 

> > Or, if we talk about other distributions (which _are_ usually
> > distributed via CDs), do they breach the GPL?
> All distributions I bought so far had source code on the same CD, or
> came with separate source code CDs.

I just checked the CD I got from the Ubuntu guys - It does not contain
any source packages. And I hold the Ubuntu guys as more committed to
Free Software than most other comercial distributions.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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