This is a summary of the AM report for Week Ending 14 Aug 2005.
5 applicants became maintainers.

David Moreno Garza <damog>

  My name is David Moreno Garza, I'm 20 years old, studying Computer and
  Electronic Engineering at UIA, in Mexico City.

  I started using Debian just a couple of years ago, introduced by some
  friends in high school, and since then, I've seen a wonderful concept,
  a nice ideology for knowledge, community and freedom.

  I started helping Debian doing some translations to Spanish, specially
  DWN, and the d-i installation manual. Also, I have several packages on
  the archive, aimed to desktop or mathematics related, which are the
  areas where I work with in the real world. I'm helping also, with a
  couple of Ruby packages, language I find pretty elegant and fun.

  Recently, I started dcontrol subproject of Debian Desktop. dcontrol
  stands for Debian Control Center, where we are working to bring a
  complete configuration panel for desktop/newbie users of Debian, which
  we believe more work is needed. Lots of people are interested and
  starting to help.  The idea is to bring a tool unified for anything
  configurable on a Debian system, without any pain.

  What I plan to do for Debian also, is to work with the QA team, packing
  desktop (specially GNOME) stuff and probably, in the future, support
  organizing Debconf6 in Mexico. And, of course, keep on packing
  interesting software and bringing it to Debian.

Yutaka Niibe <gniibe>

  Well, my little history.  It was 1988, when I first read GNU
  Manifest.  It was 1990, when I first sent bug report to RMS.  It was
  1992, when I knew Linux.  I became PLIP driver maintainer of Linux,
  it was 1993-1998.  I've ported Linux (kernel) to SuperH
  architecture, it was 1999, and maintained.  We established the Free
  Software Initiative of Japan in 2002.

  The reason I work for Free Software is, it is very important to our
  society, and I believe Free Software is the best way of cooperation.

Cai Qian <caiqian>

  I am current a postgraduate in China. I have used Linux for 4 years with
  a variety of distros, and finally find Debian. I must say: Debian is
  best one for me. As I use it more with everyday work, I am eager to
  involve in and help this project. I think this is a way to give back to
  free software community.

  On the other hand, lots of chinese people want to involve in Debian, but
  they faces some kinds of problem, such as reading English docs, hard to
  get PGP signed with a offical DD(there are only 2 chinese) and etc. So I
  think I can help them in some way and introduce more softwares to Debian
  to benefit them.

Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel>

  I am an 26 year old computer science student living in Rossdorf (near
  Darmstadt), Germany. I discoverd the world of open source software and
  Linux somewhere around 1996 and installed my first Debian about 4 years
  later. I was delighted on the easy update mechanismn Debian had.

  I attended the real life Bug Squashing Party in Munich in April 2004,
  and helped later on in organizing the real life BSPs in Darmstadt in
  August and in Frankfurt in November.  I also try to help with porting
  issues in ways of giving access to hardware platforms. I also helped
  on several fairs to run a booth for the Debian project.

  I am interessted in helping bringing up support for debian-volatile
  (which mirror-coordination i currently do). I would be also
  interested in maintaining further parts of volatiles infrastructure.

Kilian Krause <kilian>

  Kilian is involved in packaging pwlib/openh323/gnomemeeting and other
  packages; see
  for more information.

Martin Michlmayr

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