> Because your choice of name effectively discriminates against non-members.
> I'm not involved with any of the companies in the DCC -- suddenly I'm
> not a part of Debian's core, while Ian Murdock is; in spite of me being
> a current developer, and Ian not.

No, this is wrong. Ian is not a part of the core either. Well at least the 
last time I saw him he was very human and not a package. I'm still surprised 
about how difficult communication is. So let me stress this again, the "core" 
is a set of packages more or less equal to the Debian base system. It was 
never meant to as a "core group". I've received quite some emails explaining 
the different understanding, so I certainly understand where this came from. 

> > This group never called itself the "Debian Core". I searched all internal
> > communications but did not find anyone mentioning this there either.
> > Would you care to send me a link, where you got that information from?
> http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-0

I do not find anything in the press release where the group calls itself 
"Debian Core" and believe me I read it before. Are you sure you send the 
right link?

> or, for that matter,
> http://www.google.com/search?q=debian+core

Nothing there either. 

> Are you really trying to say that calling yourself "The Debian Core
> Consortium" isn't calling yourself "Debian Core"? Who're you trying
> to kid?

I'm not here to kid anyone but to set some facts straight. None of your links 
contains a single bit of information that the group called itself "The Debian 
Core Consortium". At least I didn't find anything. There are some press 
reports where the press called us "The Debian Core Consortium" before the 
group was even officially announced. That's something completely different 
IMO. So who's kidding whom?

Also I'm still waiting to see the explanation why you accuse me of "speaking 
on behalf of the project". I'm pretty sure this is a communications problem 
too and if it's on my side I would like to correct it.

Michael Meskes
Email: Michael at Fam-Meskes dot De, Michael at Meskes dot (De|Com|Net|Org)
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