* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 12:30:39AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> > The debian trademark policy says no businesses get to use
> > the mark.  Why should this selling association, which ignores
> > good practice, get a swift exception, while Ian Murdock's
> > development association gets referred for negotiations?
> Because, quite simply, they are not a business, at least in the sense that was
> meant at the above.

I'm not so sure I agree with this interpretation...  When we claim to
not sell products, and therefore claim to be non-commercial, I'd have to
say that I'd expect anything which does sell products or is commercial
would be considered a business to us.

> I mean, take LinuxTag for example, there where guys there at the debian booth
> selling t-shirts and stuff, don't know the detail, but nobody bashed them for
> doing business in debian name, and i believe as long as the money is not given
> out to share-holders, but is for debian (either as plain donation, or expensed
> for debian related stuff, like stock renewal and the ocassional yearly party),
> then everything is fine and you are just silly in claiming the contrary.

Either Debian's going to be a commercial entity or it's not.  I'd
brought this issue up before (on d-d I believe) and got shot down by a
number of people for proposing that we try to supplement our cash
reserves by selling things and perhaps some day be able to pay for our
own hosting, etc.

> And BTW, anyway, does the debian trademark extend to textile and such ? Or is
> it only restricted to software products ?

That's an interesting question and not really very well phrased and so
is kind of difficult to answer.



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