* Anthony Towns (aj@azure.humbug.org.au) wrote:
> AIUI, that's been frowned upon in the US because actually selling
> things makes you liable for collecting/paying sales tax which is a huge
> nuisance. Giving stuff away and asking for a donation, meanwhile, doesn't.
> Different countries handle that differently. For reference, Australia
> allows certain companies to call themselves "charities" for tax purposes;
> but they're restricted to very specific purposes, none of which cover
> "developing a free operating system to benefit humanity as a whole".

Do you happen to be familiar with how the UK handles it?  I'm not really
sure it matters though, I think Debian should be consistant one way or
the other.

> > If there are
> > people who specifically agree with you then let them speak for
> > themselves.
> How about you do the same, instead of claiming that none of us do?

Fair enough.



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