Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Martin Schulze ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Usually, it's DDs or Debian affiliated people who have decided to produce
> > and hand out stuff, partially even sell it at more or less cost price.
> > The revenue is then donated to the organisation that supports Debian.
> > 
> > Even if the Debian UK Society will sell t-shirts, mugs, DVDs etc.
> > it's technically not The Debian Project but the society of active
> > Debian people who want to promote Debian and Free Software.
> > 
> > Even if the Debian UK Society will represent the Debian Project formally,
> > legally and fiscally in the UK, it's not the Debian Project.  They should
> > be free to do what they want to support and promote Debian and Free
> > Software as long as they maintain their non-profit/charity status and
> > obey the goals/charta.
> I disagree.  If they're going to represent the Debian Project, either
> formally, legally or fiscally in the UK, then they should report to the
> DPL and follow Debian policies.  This means, in addition to other
> things, that they aren't free to do what they want.  I certainly feel

You should read more closely what I wrote, since that's not what I
wrote.  I'll quote it for you:

| legally and fiscally in the UK, it's not the Debian Project.  They should
| be free to do what they want to support and promote Debian and Free
| Software as long as they maintain their non-profit/charity status and
| obey the goals/charta.

The charta of the association may need to be approved by Debian
(DPL should be sufficient) due to the "Debian" trademark.  However,
since it is used descriptively, this may not be required.

> that they should not be allowed to spend money donated to the Debian
> Project without approval of the DPL/Debian.

I guess that legally this is not possible.  In several countries it
is not possible for charities / non-profit associations to do earmarking
of donations which SPI is doing.  Hence, this may depend on the goodwill
of the association and the compatibility of the association's goals with
the goals of Debian.

Anyway, since we're discussing selling of items (at cost price) do
we really want to continue doing this by random people who may keep
the reveue, independent of how little it'll be?  It's not like DUS
is setting up a shop and stuff, but provides what users want at a
Debian booth, in order to support Debian and promote Free Sofware.



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