Greetings, Congratulations that Debian *does* load and run Intel
elf executables *without* Section Headers.  That is, Debian does
follow Intel elf specs that Section Headers are needed only to
make a file linkable, but *not* necessary for load and run.

How do I know?  I'm using a Debian box to test elf files for my
Linux version of the HotBasic compiler.  They all run on Debian
as shown by the demos in (Hotbasic > Downloads >
Trial and Registered Versions > HotBasic Core >

Now... Red Hat and Gentoo have a "Section Header bug" -- elf
files without Section Headers will not load and run.  This is an
important bug for those versions of Linux -- what if one does
not want their files to be linkable?  No can do on Red Hat and
Gentoo, until they fix their bug.

So... Keep Debian as the "real Linux" -- follows Intel elf
specs!  Cordially, James Keene, PhD, HotBasic Compiler author.

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