On Thursday 08 December 2005 11.20, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 December 2005 05:57 pm, Nick D'Annunzio wrote:
> > Hi, my name is Nick.
> > I went to start my computer last night after work and an awful blue
> > smoke blew out the back.  I ripped the cord out from the wall and
> > opened the computer up and the processor was smoking.
> Be careful when opening electronics that are burning up.  Might be a good
> idea to give them a few minutes.  Case in point...
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7870362821870979072
> There's the off chance something disrupts the balance in the force,
> causing the magic smoke to explosively decompress.

Can't happen here.  That guy was running Windows.

-- vbi

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