<quote who="Manoj Srivastava" date="Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:43:52AM -0500">
> > I'd like to see those who have made long-term, sustained, and
> > significant contributions to Debian enfranchised. That could mean
> > broadening the category of developer through changes to NM or it
> > could also mean another enfranchised category of contributor. That's
> > what I read as the argument at the core of this thread -- but
> > perhaps I was just projecting.
>         I think we need to make them full, undifferentiated, members
>  of the project. Which means going through a process where we know
>  they adhere to our foundation documents, and spend time with a
>  trusted developer (AM) so we have a better idea of who they are, and
>  can have a modicum of trust in that they do not sabotage the
>  project.

I agree completely. My only criticism has been with limiting or putting
up roadblocks to full undifferentiated membership for people making
certain type of contributions. I'm not suggesting a lower bar for P&P,
trust, identity, etc.


Benjamin Mako Hill

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