On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 11:50:46PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> This is already settled by the constitution: voting rights are by
> definition exactly with the DDs.
> The question is just: When do we consider people to be DDs? This is not
> really defined, and we could make the gates more open (which I would
> prefer), but also close them even more. In the end, there is no correct
> answer, but just different preferences. Both directions are not "wrong"
> in a strictly technical sense.
Hi Andreas,
it has been said that policy is based upon what thing people do and then
folks say 'that should be policy.' In this way, maybe each DD could
provide a short email of what they thinks make them a DD wrt skills or
other qualities and then try to make guidelines out of what folks says.

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