On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 10:10:20AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> A recent discussion popped up in the French l10n mailing list
> (http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-french/2006/04/msg00539.html, in
> French) about the terminology to use for writing documentation and
> making reference to stable/testing/unstable in various parts of our
> documentation/web site and even packages (D-I for instance).
Hi Christian,
I like the terms you used but I have a comment.  I think of the output
of Debian in two terms: fixed and changing. Sarge is a fixed product
that is released and contains a fixed suite of software (with the
exception of point releases) and exists for a fixed time and 'streams'
of software, where if you 'follow' stable,testing and unstable, you will
get a continuous stream of changing software packages and you can say I
am running 'unstable' but need to clarify this by saying that I have
packages from the unstable stream that were released between $THIS_DATE
and $THAT_DATE or between $THIS_RELEASE and $THIS_RELEASE+1 because
unstable does not exists for a fixed date like releases, it always
exists, and changes(at least more recent release cycles).
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