On Wednesday 03 May 2006 01:19, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 03:52:33PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > On Tuesday 02 May 2006 08:40, Cord Beermann wrote:
> > > >Why not move it to Jabber?  More people use and know what Jabber is
> > > > these days than IRC.
> > >
> > > Jabber doesn't have any useable non-graphic Clients.
> >
> > So write one or grab one of the existing ones and make it not suck.
> As it is, IRC *does* have non-sucking non-graphic clients. If you think
> people should switch to Jabber, I think you ought to write such a
> client, not someone who's not interested in using Jabber in the first
> place.

can you give a good enough definition of 'non-sucking' to allow that?

> Move on to what? A protocol that broadcasts whether I'm online to
> everyone I've ever chatted with?

it doesn't: 
- your presence only gets broadcasts to people you've explicitly authorized
  to subscribe to your presence (and you can de-authorize people at any
- furthermore you can actually selectively send your presence to people,
  allowing you to present different presences-modes to different people at
  the same time.
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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