Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
>> I agree with a lower limit, but I think it would be better of to
>> specify it in terms of "certain number of uploads" as opposed to "some
>> time limit":
>> I might have done 1 upload and just wait a 3 months, or I could have
>> done several uploads over that same period
> I think there are far better measures of packaging ability than number 
> of uploads! I'd guess is probably one 
> of the most important.

No. Many applicants simply package stuff no one installs on their
system. And even if some people do, depressingly few people report bugs
they notice - in most cases, they simply remove the package and use
something else.

BOFH #349:
Stray Alpha Particles from memory packaging caused Hard Memory Error
on Server.

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