I'm not quite sure what you are asking about.

On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 11:25:48PM +0300, Alina Barbuceanu wrote:
> Hi,
> I want you to help me with a contact/e-mail from a person/group of
> persons in charge of the package manager for Debian. More exactly, I

As far as package management programs go, there isn't just a single
one in Debian.  There's dselect, aptitude, synaptic, adept and others,
too.  They're the responsibility of the respective maintainers, but
none of them are directly concerned with the contents of the Debian's

> want to know who decides/tests what packages go to that list   

Any Debian Developer can upload packages to the repository but the
ones directly responsible of what goes into the distribution are the
FTP masters.  See http://ftp-master.debian.org/

Perhaps you'd be interested in checking about the release process,
too.  See http://release.debian.org/

> I need this information because we are developing a user-generated
> directory of open source and commercial software and we want to
> integrate ALL the packages into our lists (ratings as well).

If you want to list contact people for the packages in Debian, it
would be better to list the individual maintainers and not involve FTP
masters with it.

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