On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 08:46:48AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> ===========================================================================
>  5. Project Leader
>    5.1. Powers
>     The Project Leader may:
> +   10. In consultation with the developers, make decisions affecting
> +       property held in trust  for purposes related to Debian. (See
> +       ?9.). Such decisions are made by announcement on a
> +       publicly-readable electronic mailing list designated by the
> +       Project Leader's Delegate(s); any Developer may post there.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Do we really want to make it impossible to authorise funds by going
through -private should we need to?

> ========================================================================
> +9. Property and Monies held in trust for Debian

Assets? That also covers trademarks and copyrights then, and contractual
agreements with other organisations for that matter.

>     SPI and Debian are separate organisations who share some goals.

If we're going to be properly separate organisations, why not move this
to a separate document?

>    9.2. Management of property for purposes related to Debian
> +   Since Debian has no authority to hold money or property,

I think it'd be good to drop the "Since" -- we /could/ hold assets as
Debian, but we (consitutionally) choose not to, and instead have others
hold assets in trust for us.

> +                                                            any
> +   donations for the Debian Project must be made to any one of a set

s/donations/contributions/ ? s/for/intended to benefit/ ?

> +   of organizations designated by the Project leader or a delegate

"L"eader? Should the possibility of delegation just be left implied?

> +   to be authorized to handle such things in name of the Debian
> +   project. Such authorization, or its withdrawal, and annual reports
> +   of activities by such organizations on behalf of Debian must be
> +   published by announcement on a publicly-readable electronic
> +   mailing list designated by the Project Leader's Delegate(s); any
> +   Developer may post there. 

Why the "any Developer may post there" restriction? That would disallow
-devel-announce, eg, if a developer had been banned from posting to it.

aj, no DPL hat

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