<quote who="Stefano Zacchiroli" date="Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 02:42:36PM +0200">
> While we are at it, is there also a policy for *personal* blogs?
> It seems to me it is not just a DD blogs aggregator, we also have people
> working on debian related SoC projects and non-DD maintainers.

Yes. I talked to some SoC students and their mentors about this before
they were added. Since the students are actively working
on Debian, I figured it would be a good idea to keep their work on
planet at least for the duration of their project.

> Is there a clear line distinguishing who is entitled to ask the
> addition of its blog?

Anyone can *ask* and I rarely tell anyone no. I've attached the basic
template that I send to people who ask to have their blogs added to

If you have a problem with the inclusion of a particular type of
context or a particular person, feel free to let me know.


Benjamin Mako Hill

Any Debian developer or any other active contributor to the project is
welcome to be added to planet.

If you're a developer, you can simply add your own blog to the config
file which is kept in a world-writable CVS repository on gluck. The
easiest thing to do is to SSH to gluck.debian.org and then read the
instructions here:


If you're not a developer, you'll need to have me add you.

In terms of content, there are two rules. The first rule is to provide
an English language only feed. The second rule is the rather vague
guideline of "don't annoy people." There is absolutely no requirement
that posts need to be about Debian -- mine rarely are. However, if
there are a subset of posts that you are annoying a large number of
people, I may ask you you to consider providing a feed without the
posts in question. This has only happened a few times in the past. If
you stay away from advertising content (or content that might be
confused as such) and from excessively personal information, you
should be fine.

I'll be happy to welcome you to planet! Please let me know if you have
any questions.

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