On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 03:57:22PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:
> Scripsit Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Yeah, I hadn't thought of that.  But, ehm, since news bits can be
> > classified per source package, they could be generated once a day, fed
> > to dak and friends, in the pool and pushed to the mirrors.
> I wonder how much it would confuse apt and its friends if we simply
> piggybacked the information onto the Packages records by adding a new
> field (with the entire text or just an URL), but without bumping the
> version number.

It wouldn't confuse apt at all -- we already do that for Task: overrides,
eg. I don't know if the code already exists for adding multi-line overrides
(like Description: as opposed to Section:), though I'm not sure that would be
a good idea (cf translations etc) either.

It wouldn't be overly difficult to do this on a trial basis, if someone
wanted to maintain the information and work out some sort of way to
measure whether it's actually a good idea or not.


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