<quote who="Miguel Gea Milvaques" date="Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 08:08:04AM +0200">
> According to the minutes from the meeting on 2006-09-09 [1], it seems
> that the candidate dates for Debconf7 lie in the middle of June. For
> some of us, this is a problem, as June is probably one of the most
> problematic months for going for many people, especially for those who
> are studying or have exams at university.
> It would be nice if the people who has to reach a decision took that
> into account, and tried to moved the Debconf7 out of June.

You'll find that there are no good times for everybody. There will be
DDs with University exams from the first week of May through mid-July
at least. Last year, the May dates for DC6 landed squarely during my
universities exam week -- (not to mention a few other important events
I had going on).


Benjamin Mako Hill

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