On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 08:07:10PM -0400, mmlacak wrote:
>       So, my question is: can we make SPI ( http://www.spi-inc.org/,
> http://www.debian.org/donations ) into monetary service which accepts
> from and is able to transfer money to any country in the world?

In short no. This isn't SPI's purpose.

> Is able to deliver money basically from door to door (
> post-office/bank to PO/B ) ?


> Doesn't require anything beside internet connection and local bank /
> post office account? 

No, we need the co-operation of the receiving party.

> Charges only some percentage for its own operational expenses, so
> there could be some sense in donating just a few bucks, and be sure
> that most of it gets to intended developer (and yes, this is crucial)? 


> Accepts donations for any developer and any project, not just
> supported ones?


> Provides traceable and secure transactions, even if it doesn't deliver
> within minutes, days, weeks?


I'm npt quite sure why this hasn't been brought before the attention of
SPI first.

<moray> hm, maybe wearing a black t-shirt while dusting my bedroom for the
        first time in years wasn't such a good idea

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