On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 01:27:04AM +0100, pierrero wrote:
> And also this one please
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-french/2006/11/msg00182.html
> ---
> Hello,
> I've posted messages in one of your Debian lists from from my business
> email address and I start to receive spam.
> It is very sad since I had succeeded with preserving of any indexing by
> the spam robots :-(
> The only site which proposes my address email is yours, so I am about
> sure that it comes from these messages:
Hi Pierre,

As a Debian user I think Debian has a policy of having open email lists
that do not require you to subscribe to any list and of not altering the
email address to hide it from spam makers. Its very open and public just
like the internet, that never forgets anything you send.  Some person in
Debian can delete your post but it will not stop the spam, since they
already have your email address. Be sure in the future to use an email
address that will enable you to filter it or use some method to check
your email for spam. That is all anyone can do these days :-)
Debian does not spam. In fact, they remove thousands of spam a day from
entering the many email lists that you and I recieve, thank goodness!
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