Dear Mr Neumann,

I hope you read debian's rules about the use of the mailing lists,
specially those mentioned on [1].

Furthermore I'd like to advise you, to read [2] to get some ideas about
the ideas behind linux and debian. After that, please read paragraph 3 A
of the license found under [3] and find a way to merge this into the
ideas found above. In case you found away, assure to meet the policy
mention on [4]. 

After all this, look for a developer to do the packaging, as it is
mentioned on [5] or to increase your chances to get the software
included drastically, you should consider to do the packaging work
yourself and just look for a sponsor to move your work to the Debian
mirror. The procedure for this is described on [6].

BTW: The license in [3] is quiet bad formatted, e.g. it is 3(A) and then
3(b), further on it is 10(1) ... also the german and the english license
have differences which are not just due to translation.

With kind regards

        -- hgb


On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 14:46 +0100, Kai Neumann wrote:
> Hello,
> would it be possible to include CONSIDEO SE as the probably first  
> system dynamics solution for Linux? It is as easy to use as a  
> mindmapping tool and crucial for many daily challenges of not only  
> managers.
> You may try it on .
> Thanks in advance and best wishes for the upcoming celebrations
> Kai Neumann
> --------------------------------------
> Consideo GmbH
> Seelandstr. 1a
> 23569 Luebeck
> +494513909145
> +491716439331

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