I'm very irritated and disappointed with your policy! Why?

I've used various Linux distributions for 8 years. I've been using Debian
for the last 6 months, but today I changed my mind!

After updating Firefox in Debian I realized that Firefox is no longer
present in my operating system!
Instead of it, I have this trashy and shity Iceweasle.
F.u...k, #%&[EMAIL PROTECTED] 5^%^*(@ %$&$%&^$

Oki, I can install my favorite Firefox from other packages, but do you
realize, that I would like to be asked if I want to use this f..u...k...ng
%^*( *&##$$ ^&^%& Iceweasle instead of Firefox?

Good luck with using losers... ups I mean: losing users! :P

Ex-Debian user...
... back to the Gentoo

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