Thanks, Anthony, for the update. I have some small comments inline

> As a consequence, if you have two people working on the keyring,
> and one hands the other a new version claiming that the only
> change is to include a new key for "foo", it's very hard for the
> other maintainer to verify those are the only changes being made,
> or why they're being made if someone asks later.

If keyring-maint A doesn't trust keyring-maint B to make
authoritative decisions, then obviously one of them is not suitable
for the team. You are highlighting auditing, and I wonder whether
that's already in place. Does James keep log files and is it
possible to verify that each change he makes is exactly the change
he logs? If he does not, then adding more keyring maintainers
wouldn't make any difference, would it?

> On a personal note, in my experience the most effective way of
> working with James and Ryan is to trust that they generally know
> what they're doing and more or less leave them to get on with
> making things better on their own rather than hassling them for
> status reports or similar. "Just leave them to their own devices"
> isn't something you'll see recommended in management books, but
> when people are doing stuff that they care about for fun, it's
> worth considering.

There is a bottleneck, and if James and Joerg would both be rendered
unable to attend to potentially urgent issues, the project would be
stuck. You *will* see this as one of the prime concerns in most
management books.

I think I am understanding the gist of the complexity and trust
issues involved with their positions. However, rather than saying
that this is the way it is and we should just accept it, I think we
should make every effort to prevent bottleneck problems *before*
they arise. Your mail is an important step in that direction. I hope
it will carry fruit.


Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
if you see an onion ring -- answer it!

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