On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 01:27:54PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Sven Luther wrote:
> >Well, you where not opposed to the likes of Frans, Manoj and Anthony, ...
> I think I tend to express my disagreement in different amplitude but even
> more importantly different *frequency*.
> >>I wonder if sending mails like this to debian-project is your idea of
> >>going inactive.
> >
> >What does it matter anymore,
> Try to think about it tomorrow, after having calmed down.  I think you
> will find reasons not to blame a whole project as you did in your heated
> mail.
> >What was done here, independently of my fault or not, is ...
> Didn't we got enough Google hits now for things you said about Debian?
> >Well, i don't use a different mailing list, i simply bring this on a forum
> >where i am not banned, and can participate, since debian likes to handle 
> >this
> >kind of problems in secret hiding holes, untrue the transparency and 
> >open-ness
> >which we all agreed to in the social contract.
> Well, if I personally have found out that some behaviour turned out to be
> not the best in the end - and I assume you do not feel very good - I would
> try to do something different instead of doing exactly the same on a
> different place.

And did i not do it ? I asked for help on #debian-devel, and was asked to
avoid the mailing lists, and to write a static page, so i wrote the wiki page,
which ended with :

  An last a personal message to Frans, remember when we where in Extremadura,
  we had a good time, and we worked side by side. I seriously lament that it
  all degenerated like it did. I certainly have my part of responsability in
  this, but i passed though times, as you know. Let's put pride and arrogance
  and remembrance of past hurts aside, and let's again work on d-i all
  together, as it should be.

and got as reply :

  01:18 <fjp> My honest opinion of it: the biggest load of self-satisfied and
  self-centered crap I've ever seen

(Which interestngly enough, Frans erased from the wiki shortly before the
expulsion process started).

I have tried agreeing to the hallucinating result of Fabio's mediation, under
Anthony's strong insistence, and been silent, and the first thing i hear
before even this period is over, is that there is an expulsion process against

I damn even helped Frans while he was having trouble during his d-i
presentation at FOSDEM with his X config, even though he just passed beside me
a few hours before purposefully ignoring me and not returning my greeting.

So, whatever you say, i have been handled unfairly, the decision just reached
by the DAMs is a a disgrace to debian, and symptomatic of this whole mess, and
silence will not help.


Sven Luther

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