Sven Luther dijo [Tue, May 29, 2007 at 01:21:20PM +0200]:
> > without a reason. This is justice: the harm was undone, you have aquired
> > an additional level of protection, and no measures were taken against
> > your disruptive behaviour.
> Ok, but this was only the 'goute qui a fait deborder le vase', the
> bigger problem remains as a raw wound, for me, and for debian as a
> whole. I ask you (you as DPL, you as Debian, you as individual DDs) to
> undo the harm done since over a year now too. 

I, as a DD, could not ask you to undo the harm, because I do not think
you can become a different person. You have personal conflicts with
too many people in Debian. I was, yes, against the expulsion - But I
also invite you to stop participating where you cannot get any social
interaction. Debian lists have been pretty calm in the last few
months, but you make a post or two, and we become -again- the
flamefest of the world.

Sven: Please go away. You cannot work with the people in Debian that
take care of the same areas you do. Your technical level is good, and
Debian will end up losing valuable contributions. But it is more than
proven you cannot work with the people in those teams.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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