Le samedi 30 juin 2007 à 10:58 +0100, MJ Ray a écrit :
> Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Le vendredi 29 juin 2007 à 15:51 +0200, Robert Millan a écrit :
> > > Sven also told me that if nobody will forward it, he will "make it by the
> > > slashdot way".
> >
> > We don't negociate with terrorists.
> That's daft.  If you leave people with no outlet, they will explode
> and it will be messy.  Anyway, one man's terrorist is another's
> freedom fighter.  When they are being reasonable enough for you,
> reward them with negotiation and encourage them to be more reasonable.
> Otherwise, shut them down as much as possible and hope the explosions
> will be seen as unreasonable, but don't try to spin the people as
> unreasonable, else the backlash makes it less likely to be seen that
> way.  My Opinion Only, as ever.

I have spent a lot of time trying to help Sven Luther negociate, but
that was at times where he *was* reasonable. Not threatening to "make it
by the slashdot way".

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