(reply set to -curiosa to avoid cluttering up other lists. I did not
found this very appropriate for d-d-a)

Please remember that the Debian 500000th bug contest is still
opened. As I completely forgot about reminding the enthusiast crowd
about this very important event, I extend the bet period by one week.

For those who missed the original annoucement (I even can't find it
myself, I really suck at announcing things), the contest is very

There are good chances that the Debian BTS will turn the #500000 mark
at some moment during the etch->lenny release cycle.

In order to make this more fun, a small contest has been set up. The
principle is very simple: please place a bet (one per person) about
the day this bug will be reported. The place for bets is the
http://wiki.debian.org/500000thBugContest wiki page.

The winner(s) will be the person(s) placing her|his|their bet as close
as possible of the real moment bug #500000 is reported.

Bets are opened until July 22nd 2007 00:00UTC (hoping that I'll
remember about closing the page).

In case you care:
Bug #100000 was reported June 7th 2001
Bug #200000 was reported July 4th 2003
Bug #300000 was reported March 17th 2005
Bug #400000 was reported Nov 23rd 2006


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