We are happy to announce the launch of the Mobile & Internet Linux
Project on http://moblin.org. Moblin.org is an umbrella open source
project focused on the development of Linux for Intel-based devices.
Moblin.org is also an incubator for prototyping new ideas and building a
community of developers around them. Currently, moblin.org hosts a
number of projects, including an Image Creator, Browser, UI framework,
power policy manager, and various non-PC oriented applications and
software components. The work so far has been focused on Intel-based
devices, but is open to contributions for support of other


One of the main goals of moblin.org is to serve as the point of
integration for these projects, and to ensure the interoperability of
the various components.  Moblin.org enables the creation of complete
source trees and binary images that can run either on actual devices, or
in an emulated environment for testing purposes.


We've just started the development on moblin.org, so please join our
developer mailing list-all are welcome to contribute to the various
projects, or propose new ideas and projects on moblin.org. You can join
the mailing list at http://www.moblin.org/community_mail-list.html with
much more information available at http://moblin.org.


Rusty Lynch -- Bob Spencer

Intel Open Source Technology Center



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