On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 12:02:47PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> > Frankly, the non-incidental cost of breaking all mailto: links and all
> > possibility of copying and pasting far outweighs the possible benifits
> > of blocking non-intelligent e-mail harvesting programs. [Not to
> > mention that address munging breaks bodies of messages and
> > signatures.]
> You don't need to break the mailto: links, you can simply replace by a
> http:// link without the email and have a mechanism (captcha or whatever)
> to get access to the real email...
> It's more complicated to implement and it's a bit heavy but we don't
> copy-paste emails from public archives that often so that it's a major
> nuisance for us.

Frankly, I do copy-paste emails from public archives if I am looking at
the page and I feel like I have extra info to provide or something to
comment to some of the people involved.

> We're getting off-topic for -newmaint though. Please take it to -project
> if you reply to my mail. :)



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