On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 09:55 +0200, Bart Martens wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 22:38 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> > The current 3 people in the DM keyring agreed to be beta testers of the
> > process, and I don't anticipate us adding more people until everything is
> > fully implemented and tested.
> I'm sure that the intentions are good, but Joerg has a point about these
> three DM's.  Maybe it is better to replace these three DM registrations
> in the DM keyring by three artificial DM's owned by DD's.  Then nobody
> can complain about real DM's already being added without following the
> rules.
> I'm willing to help if you're interested.
> http://knars.be/bartm/DM/DM_beta_test_bartm_pubkey.asc
> I guess that it's not so difficult to find two other volunteering DD's.
> Right ? :)

For the record, joeyh rejected my offer to help via IRC.

The entire DM procedure can be put in place and can be thoroughly tested
while respecting the rules of the recently voted GR.  I don't understand
why joeyh doesn't want me to help to make the ongoing effort conform to
the voted GR.

Other DD's joining my concern?


Bart Martens

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