On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 13:16:28 +0100
Sam Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I would like to set up a Debian Marketing Team, whose work would
> be to organise all the promotional stuff (logos, t-shirt designs,
> wallpapers, etc.) so that the project can officially endorse good
> designs, and to make the ultimate decision on visual stuff such as CD
> covers, splash screens, etc.
>    This team would have official DPL delegation, but I hope that it
> can also work with non-Debian-developers, as many packaging teams
> already do, because the non-DDs know better than us how to draw
> people to Debian. So please let me know if you are interested, even
> if you are not a DD, and especially if you are not a programmer!
>    I also would like to spend some Debian money on a contest, similar
> to the FreeBSD logo contest [2], to create a friendly mascot for the
> Debian project (in a similar way to the Linux penguin or the GNU gnu)
> that we can use where the logo is not enough. More on this in a few
> days.

hi together,

my name is nico patzold. your mail sounds like a really
attractive idea to me: 

to create a friendly mascot for the
> Debian project (in a similar way to the Linux penguin or the GNU gnu)

I'm finally enthusiastic for debian since etch came out and would like
to give something back to the project. I'm not into the technical stuff
but trying to convince people (ms users), that debian or linux in
general simply is a operating system ;) and it's a good idea to use it!

to cut the longway short: I'm iterested, but don't know how it works or
how I could contribute.

my skills are in graphics, I like drawing and would be pleased to give
some ideas for a debian mascott or advertising for debian in general.

many greetings,

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