On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:02:15AM +0100, paolo + wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm an italian user that can't go in internet quietly with Debian etch, 
> because
> I start connection and all is ok, but only for 5 minutes; then the
> connection dead and I must reconnect...and this situation forever.
> I have a "7 Mbps adsl contract" with Telecom Italia, and with Windows I go
> on internet full time, without must reconnect.
> Also with Debian I go very well on internet, but only for 5 minutes!
> So I want to tell you to consider this problem, and to search a
> solution for the next LENNY.
> Tell me some news or rules about this problem.
> Thank you very much.
> Regards.
Hi Paolo,
you posted your message on the debian-project list which is for
discussion of problems that affect the entire project. Your problem is
related to your use of Debian Gnu/Linux and as such would be better
discussed on one of DebianĀ“s user help lists. So try asking on either
the debian-user list which uses English or the debian-italian list which
uses Italian. If you think you have identified a bug with a package
related to your issue then consider filing a bug report in our BTS (bug
tracking system).
hope that explains,
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