Hello, ...

This is the first time in the over-a-year that i have been banned from the
debian mailing lists that i try to go around the ban to post an appeal to
the whole debian community. And i am sorry to come again with this.

I write this, because even despite what debian has done to me,  i still
follow the debian lists, i still counsel people to use debian, i still try
to help as i can, and i still believe that the debian project, and the
majority of DDs and associated are nice and friendly people believing in a
noble cause.

I write this, because even after a year and more after having been expulsed
and reduced to silence like i was, my heart is still bleeding and my soul
hurting each time i am again and again repeatedly hurt and humiliated, and i
don't understand how it is possible that some people in debia still have the
need to come after me like they do over a year after the facts.

I don't understand how people which i once considered friends and respected
could be so devoid of compasion and hearthless, to continue doing this, nor
how all of you can accept to be part of it, by accepting this situation. I
guess this is because deep into myself i believe that humans are good
persons, and more particularly that the portion of humanity who chose to
participate in debian, to give selflessly their time and work, are even
better persons.

There are two recent events which made me decide to write this mail, and
circumvent the ban, which is something which i have not done in over a year.
Two things, which together with others having happened over the time make my
hearth bleed, and my soul hurt to the point of beeing unbearable, make me
feel an oppression in my breast, and give me the sensation that my hearth is
shaking, i don't know it is a strange sensation to describe, but i thought
that after over a year, i would have been over this.

Well, the two recent events are the following :

  - in a thread about some guy who chose to hide is name probably to
circumvent a similar ban than i am under, and accuse the debian governance
of all kind of evil acts, in maybe a clumsy way, Martin Shulze chose to use
my name in a contempting way, and nobody thought it worth to critic him.

  - more recently, while i was inscribed to be part of the emdebian meeting
in extremadura which will hold place next week, i received today a mail
saying that i would not be able to come, and it seems the reason i am not
allowed to go is because of the opinion of the DPL about me.

These events may seem small and innocous to you, and you maye be tempted to
say, why is he whining for so little, but if you put all this together, all
that happened these past 2-3 years, you may, i hope, understand that i chose
to break the ban in order to ask you, to please stop these kind of things
against me.

This is in particular hurting, because of the injustice of this whole stuff.
You well know what happened, and the efforts i made to reach a compromise,
and trigger discussions who will yield to a reconciliation of this social
dispute which got out of hand because of debian's total incapacity to handle
it otherwise, and how 3 consecutive DPLs made absolutely no effort to get
this solved, how even though Frans Pop didn't return my greeting at fosdem
2007, i still tried to help him when he had X-server trouble during his
presentation, how when i tried to go through other respected DDs as
mediator, Sam Hocevar who previously had said that if i would find peolpe
willing to do it, he would consider it, later refused saying "they may give
you reason", How the current DPL didn't even respond to my mails, and how
when going though a respected DD as mediator, he said it would be a loss of

This is particularly hurting, because our DPL finds it a lose of time to
speak to me, to try to come to a compromise and reconciliation, but he
apparently it is not a lose of time to speak evily of me to other people.

In some sense, i understand what is happening. Debian, or rather the "DDs
that count" to quote Sam Hocevar our previous DPL, has decided to use the
"Poisonous People" method to deal with me. They have deemed i am a poisonous
people, which in itself is hurting enough, have decided to reduce me totally
to silence.

And even if some or maybe many of them, clearly understand that the fault
was shared back then, and that debian didn't act admirably in this issue,
they don't have the strength of character to come back over these events,
and thus are forced to continue in this way.

And yes, i made mistakes, numerous mistakes back then, who doesn't make
them. I was in a troubled time, both personnally for reasons i won't repeat
here, and professionally. But even then, i also made things i believe are
right, like writing the now forever erased wiki page pointing my positive
contribution to debian and asking frans pop for a friendly reconciliation,
like trying to find other resepcted DDs to act as mediators in hope for a

I think now, my biggest mistake was to believe that DDs where reasonable
people with whom one can speak, but never in all this time did they try even
to speak to me, but instead used insults, patronizing tone, lies and

So, i ask you now, all of the DDs, and other associated people who read
this, to please but a stop to this vendetta, you have won, i am hurt and
bleeding, and i hardly contribute anymore and only skim over the lists, do
you guys really need to continue this, or do you think now, after all this
time, don't you think you can let this issue rest, and forget about past
grudges ?

I am again sorry for this, like said, i have been hurt like no other DD has
ever been hurt before me, and each time another stab is taken against me it
is as if the wound is fresh again, and the hurt comes all over again.

Do you really think i deserved this ? Really ?

Please, don't do this anymore, and leave me in peace,


Sven Luther

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