On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 15:12:01 -0200, Martín Ferrari wrote:

> > I have a problem with non-technical persons voting on technical
> > issues, or issues having technical implications for the developer
> > body. I have even more of a problem with non-technical persons leading
> > a technical project.
> And what part of being a DPL can't be done by somebody who knows the
> project, does hard work, and is respected but hates packaging stuff? I
> can think of a couple of examples that could even win that election...

The job of a DPL is not to write cool code or maintain fancy packages
but to -- well, lead the project.
And IMO that requires not so much technical skills but skills and
experience in communication, organization, dispute handling, change
management, and other social skills.

And as we can see every other day there's room for improvement in this
areas of "soft skills" in Debian in general ...
> > I am against this part of your proposal. Voting rights should be
> > coupled with proper understanding of the Project at large, including
> > the technical stuff, which is, after all, the base of this Project.
> Understanding the project doesn't mean understanding dpkg, there are
> things much more important, because, remember... above all we are a
> group of people, [..]

Agreed, and I like that aspect in the new concept: that it puts the
most valuable resource of an all-volunteer project more into the
focus: the volunteers.
Acknowledging different ways and intensities of contributions and
having a clearer concept of "paths" through the project and
requirements for different stages can IMO raise the motivation of
both current and future contributors -- and thereby help Debian to
flourish as a whole.

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