also sprach W. Martin Borgert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.11.25.2017 +0100]:
> I would very much appreciate, if Debian would not publish job
> offers that discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnic origin,
> disability, age, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Not
> only it is illegal in some countries, I find it highly
> inappropriate for our project. Thanks for your attention.

Wolfgang, please stop this. Putting a maximum age into a job
description is standard practice because a company does not want to
invest time and money into a new employee for various reasons, be
they simple age and thus time left to work for the company,
absorptive capacity, or company culture.

I know it's hip in Debian to point fingers and accuse people of
discriminating, but please let's not lose touch with reality here,

This form of headless drive for "political correctness" on all
levels and at all costs will simply decrease overall tolerance
levels further. Calling something discriminatory is the easy way
out. Judging whether it actually is, and dealing with it, is the
hard bit, the one that requires (and builds) character.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"it has been said about the EPO that if you fart in front of their
 building, you are granted a patent on 'gas tank depressurizing by
 opening a venting pipe.'"
                                        -- gyrosgeier on #debian-devel

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