also sprach Gunnar Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.11.26.1807 +0100]:
> And no, it's not Debian's flaw or problem - but Wolfgang's
> complaint is IMHO very well in place. It will reach the clueless
> HR recruiter, and -as he posted to -jobs- probably other HR people
> pondering on writing to Debian.

This is precisely my problem, it comes across as a statement from
Debian, when in fact it is the voice of a few people (who seem to
have little idea about HR and running a business). This is why
I replied on -jobs, because Debian does *not* have any policy
preventing or allowing job offers with age restrictions.

If you don't like the job offer, don't apply. If you want that job
but you are too old, convince them and go to court if you feel like
they are acting unlawfully.

But please refrain from calling it unfair (it's a bloody *offer*)
and expecting the project to do something about it.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"in the figure of the president, george w. bush, the incompetence,
 stupidity, and sheer inhumanity that characterize so much of
 america's money-mad corporate elite find their quintessentially
 repulsive expression."
                                 -- journalist, aftermath of katrina

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