On Mon Jan 12 19:34, Robert Millan wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 07:13:57PM +0100, Michael Goetze wrote:
> > Robert Millan wrote:
> > >   - Even if there's a general perception that everyone agrees not
> > >   to delay Lenny at all costs, this should definitely be voted on
> > >   and sanctioned.  Not doing so creates a very bad precedent.
> > 
> > You think everyone must be voted on?
> Everything significant, yes.  Because I believe in democracy.
Democracy doesn't mean voting on everything. In the majority of
instances it means 'let the elected officials and those to whom they
have delegated make the decisions we have elected them to make'. You
elect someone because you trust them to act in your interests with the
option of overriding or recalling them if they don't.


Matthew Johnson

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