On Fri Jul 24 08:43, Steve Langasek wrote:
> I am not convinced of this.  Infrastructure contributions are necessary and
> valuable, but we don't admit people as Debian Developers on the basis of
> infrastructure contributions, nor to work on infrastructure; 

They may need (depending what it is they do) Debian machine access,
which is typically restricted to DDs (although I don't know whether
specific exceptions are made).

In any case, I really don't see a problem with people who want to remain
DDs doing so, regardless of what they actually do. The people who don't
really want to, but also don't get round to resigning, are the problem.
In that case, providing an address people can pin with signed mail as an
alternative to package uploads will allow us to catch the (hopefully
small) segment who neither upload nor vote.

What I could see as reasonable, is restricting specifically upload
rights of people who don't use them. This would tie in with the
finer-grained membership I have on a couple of occasions proposed. I
don't think that we should stop them being DDs, however, and I do think
the bar should be low for getting them back.


Matthew Johnson

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