Steve Langasek <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 06:49:35PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 06:23:05PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
>> > I have nothing against this in principle, but how is this any
>> > different from the people who manage the MIA database?
>> The main difference is the automation of the process. MIA, which
>> currently is 1 person, requires manual activity and efforts. If we
>> agree that automatically, if you stop exercising your DD rights, you
>> go away after 2 years, the energy which we currently spend in MIA [1]
>> can be better spend in doing other QA activities.
>> I really don't see the benefit in the added MIA layer. You stop
>> working for Debian for a long period: you go away; the day you'll
>> re-gain interest: you can come back.
> If it's going to be automated, does it behoove us to also send automated
> mails to DDs that are getting close to the two-year limit, warning them?  Or
> is it your view that 2 years without activity is so far beyond what's
> reasonable that there's no reason to give such a warning?

Just as a side note: I've been much less active in the last 2 years than
I used to be, but I'm still involved in TeX packaging and reading some
of -devel and -project, and I feel like a DD.  I'm not sure when my last
upload was before I did the oldstable uploads for teTeX and TeXLive a
couple of weeks ago - and had that not become necessarz at a time where
Norbert was VAC, it might have taken a couple of months more until my
next upload.

I did contribute to the uploaded packages, though, and wouldn't feel
like going into emeritus state.  Since there are not many DDs (and no DM
so far) in the TeX team, I guess the existence of a second DD in the
team is of value for the project too.

Therfore, I would have appreciated a note about loosing upload rights if
the rules discussed here would have already been in place.

Regards, Frank

Dr. Frank Küster
Debian Developer (TeXLive)
VCD Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg, ADFC Miltenberg
B90/Grüne KV Miltenberg

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