Tollef Fog Heen dijo [Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 08:37:38AM +0200]:
> I'm packaging yubikey-personalization, a tool used to set the crypto
> keys for Yubikeys, which are OTP hardware tokens.  The tool is useless
> without a token, so I'm wondering if I should put a reference into the
> description for where people can read more about the tokens and possibly
> purchase one. is the link I'd
> put in.
> Does people think that would be too much?  I'm divided on the issue --
> on one hand, I don't want Debian to end up plastered with ads, on the
> other hand, the tool is not useful without a token, so pointing people
> to where they can get one sounds reasonable.
> Ideas, suggestions, thoughts?

Umh, pointing debian/control's Homepage: field to the Yubikeys
homepage and stating in the description that
/usr/share/doc/yubikeys/README.Debian has further information, and
including the full information there, would be adequate and less
in-your-face IMO.

Gunnar Wolf • • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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