To Debian Foundation

Dear Sirs:

We are a proactive company, closely tied to the promotion of brands and
conducting publicity events, but above all loyal to the philosophy of Free
Software. We recently identified a niche market in our country that  has not
been exploited as much as we wanted and is exactly the union of the two
previous topics: Advertising and Free Software.

We are interested in making a strategic alliance with you, especially in
some way contribute to your community, but not necessarily we are computers
experts, so that our contribution would be about the advertising of your
products. The idea is simple, at least we want to print shirts with the
logos of Debian, and sell them en masse. For doing that we need your
approval. Obviously a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the shirts
will be donated to the Debian community. We can take care of all logistics,
we just need your approval to use the Debian logo and its variants.

Awaiting your reply and very grateful in advance.

Sincerely yours
Angie Gouveia Villarroel

Dirección y Producción General
WANT MORE? Productions
0416 4024401

Vea nuestra Presentacion en:

WANT MORE? Productions
Quieres más?... Nosotros lo tenemos!

                               ¨Cree en ti... Cree en lo que quieres... Y
haz que suceda!¨

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