How can we devise problems and find solutions, without doing an experiment?

I think there types of libre #channels and private.

To access the private channel, the user must have a registred nickname on the OFTC and be nominated by other users who have access to the private channel. Example:

#debian-*any*, #debian-people, #debian-local-team, etc. (libre users and anonymous)...

#debian-project (private, only with password or invite.)

I believe that a web interface facilitates and increases participation. Example in DebConf10 when he was in the WebChat (cgiirc on OFTC)


Citando Don Armstrong <>:

On Sat, 25 Sep 2010, Paul Wise wrote:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:28 AM, Don Armstrong <> wrote:
> Almost invariably, web-based chats like this that are launched without
> coordination with the network that they are talking to lead to abuse
> and the eventually banning and/or k-lining of involved hosts.
> #debian routinely bans the webchat on freenode, and I've no doubt that
> we'll be routinely banning other web chats which are used without
> authentication.

Do the freenode webchat users not get assigned the IP address of the
user connecting to the web server rather than the IP address of the
webserver itself? IIRC for the Indymedia webchat we implemented the

They get an encoding of the IP which is constant if the official
webchat interface is being used. Unfortunately, people tend to use
them (and tor) as a mechanism to hide their identity so that they can
be a nuisance, and it means that any time we ban someone by IP, we
later have to come back and ban their encoded IP on the webchat, etc.

My real concern is for uncoordinated webchats, though. We try to keep
coordinated ones unbanned in #debian, but if a problem comes from
them, we tend to err on silencing them instead.

Don Armstrong

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
 -- Frederick Douglass    

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