On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:23:51 +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:

> I disagree that this thread is flattr-specific.

/me too.
> It clearly is the most cited example, most likely because is what we all
> have in mind and because Flattr is quite popular these days. Still, I
> don't think anybody is trying to decide a policy about flattr only.
> Rather, I think we're taking the chance that recent flattr experiences
> have given us to establish a more general policy.

A policy on what exactly? Or, in other words: I'm not sure what the
actual contents of this thread is at the moment. Topics/issues I've
seen so far:
* commercial activities (flattr, adsense, ...)
* webbugs/tracking (flattr, feedburner, ...)
* annoying footers with images (flattr, social networks, ...)
My impression is that these (and probably more) issues are mixed,
which doesn't make the discussion easier ...

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